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My Name Is Cora, it is so wonderful to meet you! While I am very obviously a tattoo artist and visual artist, I am also an activist in the body art industry. 

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My Story

I entered the tattoo industry barely 18, bright eyed not knowing what to expect. I could never have guessed all that was to come. Since 2018, I have witnessed everything this industry loves to throw at young women and minorities. 


These hard times are not only what brought me to Skynn, but also what founded my mission. I strive to create a safe space for everyone who sits in my chair. At the core of "Bodies are Beautiful" is not only the goal to create noise for those of us who are so often silenced, ostracized, and sexualized in this world: but to highlight the most beautiful part of tattooing. 


Our bodies are so much more than mere flesh. Through radically loving and expressing ourselves in a world that pushes us to hide, we can start a new wave of what tattooing is. A world where people of all shapes, sizes, colors, sexualities, and gender can come together to create a life that mimics art. 


Artists and clients alike deserve so much more than what history has offered us, and I am here to create the future with you. I am taking a trauma informed and environmentally friendly approach to sculpting a new industry all together, and I hope that you will join me. 

Meet the Team

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Fun Facts About Cora

Some fun tidbits about Cora, so you can know who is going to be permanently altering your body with needles.

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Other Mediums

Other than tattooing Cora thoroughly enjoys acrylic painting, charcoal and graphite drawing, mixed media, and collage. Her preferred non illustrative art forms include; DIY, sewing, makeup, earth art, piano, and classical guitar. 


Books, coffee, and thrifting

Don't ask her about these subjects, she won't shut up about them.


Non Art Hobbies

Cora is a nature enthusiast! When she is not spending time going feral in the woods or paddle boarding, she enjoys volunteering in wildlife rehabilitation, earth science education, and conservation projects.


Animal Lover

Aside from her 3 cats and two chinchillas consuming most of her life (and Cora being very happy about it), she also takes an occasional foster and has been vegan over a decade. 

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A consistent theme throughout her life has been giving back to those in need. She has a wide range of volunteer experience including homeless shelters, food pantries, poverty aid for young children, animal shelters, special needs children, animal rights activism, environmental cleanup, sick and elderly care, and wildlife sanctuaries.

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Another topic she will go on forever about. Cora enjoys classic films, horror, gore, psychological thrillers, and anything before CGI. She has been accused of being a "film bro".. tread lightly. Notable Mentions: Rosemary's Baby, Evil Dead 2, The Phantom of the Opera, and Alice in Wonderland. 

Meet the Fur Babies

Everyone wants to see photos of them. Why wouldn't they?


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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